Last night, while we were having fun with "You might be a @ThirdDay @3DGomers if . . ." on Twitter last night, Mac Powell (on Twitter he's @MacPowell) was having some fun of his own. He opened the floor for fan questions. In case you missed it, here are the questions and his answers. (Keep in mind, you only have 140 characters on Twitter, hence the abbreviations and short answers. All of these are tweets by Mac. The beginning part "RT" means "Retweet" which means he's copied hte question the person asked, along with their Twitter username at the beginning. Mac's answer is at the end of the question. I made his answers in Bold and Italics.)
- any one have any questions?
- RT @kjbug40: when u come 2 knoxville (me & my dad will b there!) in October can we hear some Rocky Top? none of that Roll Tide stuff :) Nope
- RT @daddyzprinzess: @macpowell What in your life has surprised you the most? I can fall more in love with my wife and kids
- RT @jasonwhitehorn:If stuck on island with Nigel (Third Day's Tour Pastor Nigel James) - who would be the most likely to be voted off first? ANSW- depends on the games..Prob me
- RT @RickeyBobby: @macpowell can u plz give a shoutout 2 bloomingdale church on twitter ANSWR- Hey Bloomingdale Church! Booyeah!
- RT @WalkerCheatham: if you could tour with anyone who would it be? ANSWR-U2,WillieNelson,TomPettyand the Heartbreakers
- RT @wescottrobinson:how do you work so well with groups of believers with different theology, traditions, and such? ANSR-talk about Jesus
- RT @Live_Write: @macpowell Who would you want to work with on a song? (writing, singing it) ANSW- BenHarper,JamesTaylor,TomPetty,RichMullins
- RT @Renchelski: @macpowell what Creed's song you most like to play live? ANSW- ha! Rich Mullins
- RT @nateboro: @macpowell loved Southern Tracks with Time. Will you come out with anything else like it? ANSW- I hope so. Soon and very soon!
- RT @Pokinatcha: @macpowell Which do you prefer 1, 2 or 3 finger POI? ANSW- huh?what's POI
- RT @prosam: @macpowell Which venue has been your fav to play? ANSWR- PhillipsArena and Fox in ATL, Nokia in Dallas and NY, Gibson in LA
- RT @jlg9781: @macpowell how can i get to be so cool as you? no really how? ANSW- hang out with guys who are great musicians and people
- RT @jtharper76: use Mane and Tail? Someone told that is the best for hair? ANSW-horseshampoo was joke
- RT @muhl_mustangs: @macpowell Fave song to play live? ANSW- I've Always Love You and Creed
- RT @rickjr44: what job would you have if you weren't a singer. ANSWR- band director or youth pastor
- RT @itsMarkFox: @macpowell have you ever been mistaken for Jesus? ANSW only in looks.I'm much lighter skinned than him though and taller.
- RT @VPVIII:mac how do u stay humble and holy when people want to put you on a pedestal? ANSW-I'm married and have kids. I'm a dork. Humbling.
- RT @tomsoto: where do you buy your shirts? Especially the red one. ANSW- mallstores & bootshops, the name of our next record.
- RT @calledtolove: what amazes you most about God? what song is your fav worship song? ANSWR- HIS unconditional love &grace- WorthyIstheLamb
- RT @KtothaRistin: @macpowell: who is your favorite football team? ANSW- University of AL! Roooollllll Tiiiideeee!!
- RT @Revolutionist99 How would u tell someone to get into the music business? Non Singer (Merch,etc) - Go to shows and meet people who do it.
- RT @socks94: once told me that time is your fave 3d album. Has that changed since revelation and live revelations? ANSR- yes! REVELATION!
- RT @CharlieRich003: @macpowell are you ready for some football? Sorry, it was what was on my mind. ANSWR- Absolutely! Two words- Roll Tide!
- RT @mjthelander: :: what is my dog Jack dreaming about when he sleep-whines? ANSR- when will 3D be back in town and whens next album?
- RT @aprilnich: @macpowell what's one of your fav. verses? ANSWER- Rom.5:8. Incredible truth! Live in it!
- RT @clark5052:Why is it when u can't afford what ya want, u see it evrywhere...ANSWER- original sin. It's the Law of "aww man!!"
- RT @jtharper76:How come my GOATEE just wont grow as NICE as yours- ANSWER- I use horse shampoo. Try it. Crave oats all the time though.
- No more questions. I'm going to bed! Love y'all! Sorry about all the tweets. I'll DM the rest when I can. NightNIght
:) I see mine!
Posted by: Chelsie Gratzer | Thursday, August 13, 2009 at 08:12 AM